Saturday, April 9, 2022

April 7, 2022 Meeting Notes


If you did not make it to the April 7, 2022 meeting here is what you missed...

Book of the Month

Water Gardening by John Carter

This book was donated to the library by a former club member.  It covers step-by-step techniques for creating water features – from small bubblers to ponds with liners.  It tells the reader how to care for the water feature; and shows a number of water plants.  The book is richly illustrated with many inspiring photos.

In addition, we purchased for the library a copy of the presenter’s book ‘Connie’s Dahlias: A Beginner’s Guide’.  Connie’s book covers everything from getting started and how to plant, summer dahlia care chores, digging out the tubers in the fall, and how to store in the winter.  The book also includes information on pests and diseases relative to dahlias.

Plant of the Month

Clematis heracleifolia “New Love”

What to do in the March garden by Sue Dunn:  

 A comprehensive list was provided to keep us on track.

Guest Speaker

Connie Thompson from Nanoose presented on Dahlias.   It was a very information question and answer discussion, with lots of valuable information.   She had planted dahlias and her book Connie’s Dahlias, for sale.


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