About Us

Welcome to the Gabriola Garden Club

This site is designed to share information about the Gabriola Garden Club and upcoming events.


The GGC was established in 1991. The aims of the club are:

  • To educate members
  • To share garden expertise and ideas
  • To enjoy social sharing of gardens


The Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month, September through May.  

Current Executive:

President - Linda Holmes

Secretary - Gail Wilson
Treasurer - Noni Fidler
Membership - Noni Fidler
Program Committee - Adele LaBrie, Yvonne Kabata, Doug Smith
Librarian - Adele LaBrie
Raffle - Sharon and Larry Roberts
Communication - Morag Ruckman 
Open Gardens - Sandi Winter 
Members at Large - Bev Godfrey, Michelle Smith