Friday, February 7, 2020

March Meeting

Our March speaker is Paul Lawry who will be discussing how to select healthy potted plants when purchasing, as well as how to transplant them with the best chance for success.  Paul has been involved with gardens on Vancouver Island since 1983 and is a mentor with the Vancouver Island Master Gardener Association.

Paul says...
I have been involved with gardens since 1983, when I moved to Vancouver Island.  Prior to that I lived in Hawaii for 23 years and had lots of flowers in my yard but didn't really get into planting or buying plants as most of the time all I needed to do was break off a branch and stick it in the ground and within a year I would have a nice sized plant growing.

Shortly, after arriving in Nanaimo I joined the Nanaimo Rhododendron Society and spent many hours searching for plants.  Purchasing most of them in pots.  I have been the President of the NRS and President of VIMGA as well as holding many other offices within the organizations. 

I have spent many hours assisting in selecting potted plants for other people's gardens .  I have, since 1983, been  attending numerous lectures, seminars and conferences involving Rhododendrons and other plant life.

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