Saturday, September 7, 2019

September Meeting Notes

If you did not make it to the September meeting here is what you missed...

Plants of the Month:
Gaura lindheimerie Belleza

Pleioblastus Fortunei

Book of the Month

The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution by Andrew Mefferd
What to do in the September garden by Sue Dunn:

September is a very busy month in the garden, Sue Dunn provided a comprehensive list to keep us on track.

Guest Speaker:

Devmurti Khalsa gave a very informative and entertaining presentation on fig varieties and how to grow them.  Visit his website,

Door and Raffle Prizes:  

We raffled a selection of great items too numerous to mention and of course, the plants of the month.  Our guest speaker Devmurti Khalsa donated a beautiful White Jasmine for the raffle.

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