Thursday, February 14, 2019

March Meeting

Our next meeting is Thursday March 7th

Jeff de Jong is our speaker for the March meeting. Jeff is a horticulturist with many years of experience and a passion for garden design.  He has won many awards for his own garden and other yards that he has designed.  You may have heard him on the radio as the host of the host of Gardening 101 on C-FAX1070AM.

Jeff is going to talk to us about a variety of topics - GETTING GROWING - Plants to look out for; New plants; Edibles, Designing and planning.

The meeting begins at 7pm, remember to bring your own mug.

Upcoming workshops for Garden Club members.  Please contact Connie Clifford  to register or by phone at 250-325-2251. 

February 23rd - Planning and Preparing a Vegetable Garden with Sue Dunn
March 16th - Creating Mosaic Stepping Stones for your Garden with Anne Havard 

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