Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May Meeting Summary

If you did not make it to the May meeting here is what you missed...

We held our annual general meeting, provided a financial report to the membership and confirmed our Executive for the upcoming year.  We also had our annual plant exchange which went very well and participants left happy with their exchange items.  There are several open gardens planned for May through August, members will be notified by email of the date, time and location.  Our next meeting will be Thursday September 6th.

Plants of the Month:
Western Wild Ginger (Asarum caudatum)

Western White Clematis (Clematis Ligusticifolium)

Purple Labrador Violet (Viola labradorica)

What to do in the May garden by Sue Dunn:

A full list of what to do in the May garden is provided to Garden Club members.

Door and Raffle Prizes:  

We raffled the three plants of the month to three lucky winners.

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