Sunday, September 9, 2018

Thursday October 4th Meeting

Thursday October 4th Meeting 

The October 4th meeting our guest speaker is Todd Carnahan, a conservation biologist from Wildsafe BC.  He will present 'Gardening with Native Plants' - touching on functional gardens for wildlife, preventing wildlife conflict and strategies for enhancing drought tolerance. The meeting begins at 7pm, remember to bring your own mug.

September Meeting Summary

If you did not make it to the September meeting here is what you missed

Plant of the Month:
Laurus nobilus - Bay Laurel

Book of the Month:

Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners by Suzanne Ashworth

What to do in the April garden by Sue Dunn:

A full list of what to do in the September garden is provided to Garden Club members.

Guest Speaker:

Dan Jason from Salt Spring Seed Company gave a very information talk about Community Resiliency in Changing Times.

Door and Raffle Prizes:  

We raffled a selection of great items including a book donated by our guest speaker.